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Le rôle de l’Union Européenne au sein des Nations Unies

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L’Union européenne investit « comme jamais auparavant » dans la coopération avec le système des Nations Unies, déclaré la Haute Représentante au Conseil de sécurité. Nous présentons ci-dessous une synthèse de la récente intervention de Mme Federica Mogherini.

The European Union is investing in cooperation with the United Nations system as never before, the bloc’s senior-most diplomat told the Security Council today, detailing its involvement in conflict resolution, reconciliation and support for global priorities as diverse as climate change and disarmament.

Briefing the Council for her final time in her present capacity, Federica Mogherini said the regional bloc is contributing to a more effective multilateral system “because we want to take our part of responsibility for our common home”.  Ms. Mogherini is the European Union’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy.

She said that in supporting the United Nations-led process in Syria, for example, the European Union is co-chairing the third Brussels Conference on the future of Syria and the region.  In Afghanistan, it offered to serve as a guarantor of the peace process there, while in Venezuela, it established an international contact group to create suitable conditions for presidential elections.  And where there is a peace process or United Nations peacekeepers deployed in Africa, the European Union is there to support it, she emphasized.  More broadly, she said that without Europe’s commitment, progress on the Paris Agreement on climate change and the Sustainable Development Goals would have been impossible.

In the ensuing discussion, delegates welcomed the European Union’s commitment to multilateralism, a point on which the Russian Federation’s representative noted that the bloc’s interests “fully coincide” with those of his own country.  He expressed Moscow’s concern, however, over the trend to replace international law with a “rules-based order” designed to fit the needs of the very ones calling for it.

Many speakers agreed that the European Union has fostered stability in regions outside its own, with Indonesia’s delegate saying the Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN) has benefited in that regard, and Poland’s representative citing the bloc’s establishment of a training mission in the Central African Republic and its efforts to fight human trafficking off the coast of Libya.

Several delegates underscored the importance of trilateral cooperation among the European Union, African Union and the United Nations.  Côte d’Ivoire’s representative recalled the third trilateral meeting in 2018, where they recommitted to promoting the multilateral system and adopting measures on cooperation to tackle global challenges.  Kuwait’s delegate said that Europe and the Arab region share many points of common history, allowing for close cooperation on terrorism, climate change and migration.

The United Kingdom’s representative said that, notwithstanding his country’s imminent departure from the European Union, cooperation across the three pillars of United Nations activities would be mutually beneficial for both.  Germany’s delegate noted: “We are stronger together.”

Also speaking today were representatives of the Dominican Republic, China, Belgium, Peru, South Africa, United States, Equatorial Guinea and France.

Pour plus d’informations, voir le rapport détaillé sur le site des Nations Unies.
Federica Mogherini