Un cessez-le-feu et un accès sûr sont nécessaires pour stopper la polio à Gaza, selon l'OMS
Afin de prévenir une épidémie de polio à Gaza, les agences humanitaires de l’ONU ont réitéré mardi les appels internationaux en faveur d’un cessez-le-feu, pour permettre le lancement d’une campagne de vaccination de masse dans l’enclave palestinienne.
La CIJ déclare que l’occupation des territoires palestiniens par Israël viole le droit international
La Cour internationale de Justice (CIJ), le principal organe judiciaire des Nations Unies, a déclaré vendredi, 19 juillet 2024, que l’occupation par Israël de la Cisjordanie, de Gaza, et de Jérusalem-Est, ainsi que ses colonies, violaient le droit international. La Cour, qui siège à La Haye, aux Pays-Bas, a rendu un avis consultatif qui, bien que non contraignant, a une haute valeur juridique ainsi qu’une grande autorité morale.
Statement regarding the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD)
Today’s failure of the EU Council to endorse the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive marks a deplorable setback for corporate accountability and the protection of Human Rights and the environment worldwide. The blockage is largely attributable to big Member States: the early announced abstention from influential Germany – orchestrated by the minority German coalition partner, the FDP, and met with spiritless resistance by Chancellor Scholz – was followed by others. A last-minute attempt by France to derail negotiations by proposing a tenfold increase in company threshold last night increased the uncertainty for other states. These political games starkly defy the resounding support for the Directive from governments, trade unions, civil society, large, medium and small businesses, and individual citizens. Without binding EU legislation on corporate accountability, national governments fail to address human rights impacts, the exploitation of workers, and impacts on Indigenous Peoples’s rights and other traditional communities and natural ecosystems linked to corporate operations. It is a harrowing failure by EU governments to meet their obligations under international human rights law, and a green-light signal to reckless businesses that they can keep fueling the climate and ecological crises for corporate profits.